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One endeavor along with creating Vegan Villages, a Monastery, Mass Meditation Centers, Helping Orphans, Teaching Meditation in Schools, and supporting the expansion of monasteries and & convents, is to publish Our own comic book to educate, empower, & promote positive culture.  When we teach the value and proven science of meditation in schools, youths have the opportunity to change the world.  Meditating in schools directly affects the unified field through mass meditation.  The solution is here; it is time to go out and implement it.

Benevolent CE5 contact relationships, engaging higher evolved spiritual guides, is another way to focus on purity timeline / on the correct path.

What matters is steering the present and future away from dominance & control and toward Ascension, Purification, & Connection to God.

To attain deliberate rainbow body ascension is the goal of 3rd density human existence.

When 75-77 million people on this planet live a life in tune with higher consciousness / meditative state of being, the rest of the world automatically aligns to that frequency by influence of the unified field coherence.

The ultimate weapons that we have to defeat evil are a network of Monasteries & instead of watching television a culture of people at home attaining ascension state / rainbow body, which comes with powers to combat, overcome, and install a united culture of peace and harmony by transferring the frequency of the ascended state to others.
I have seem some cultures in which the family at home rises in the morning gathering for morning prayer & meditation together in the strength of unity & purity.

Changing the world is very achievable.
How much can your prayer group network help?

  •  Support Humanity
    – vegan nature foraging survival Education Programs
    – share and learn nature crafts and natural construction methods and even healthy nomadic and/or foraging earth living
    – to heal the illness of spirit of western motivations
    – to heal through nature
    – use Orgone Accumulators technology for healing
    – use Domes for energy spiral within meditation and Prayer (Tesla & others knew about the way the shapes draw energy)
    – use tall narrow mediation / Pyramid Meditation & Prayer chambers for energy boost (Tesla & others knew about the way the shapes draw energy)
    – to empower Humanity
    – connect humanity authentically
    – promote Qi Gong and other forms of meditation and prayer
  • – promote a culture of mass meditation and prayer for the good of humanity and nature
    – natural healing technologies such as techniques from the book “Secrets of Aboriginal Healing”
    – Akashic Records access practice
    – Connecting to One’s Guardian Angel / Evolved Spirit Guide (Benevolent CE5 contacts only) daily in meditation to solidify that connection or strong guidance
    – assist in purchasing more land / property along perimeters of other monasteries in order to assist in the greater mission of Mass Meditation & mass prayer to assist humanity, the planet, and to promote harmony and peace coherence ruling the unified field
  • To build a vegan food service business 100% for Charity like Paul Newman did in order to self fund permanently without the “need” or “dependence” upon donations for meditation centers or monasteries to survive- main charities being:

    1: Teaching Meditation in Schools either in person or through online consultations for better behavior, better scores through brain cells coherence, and better complete attitude-learning ability-&-foresight/wisdom/discernment

    2: Cube Clubs to learn empowerment of self striving instead of ≈competition

    3: Helping Orphans – Asian monasteries have a lot of children that parents cannot afford, hope for a better life, or are given the gift of monasticism as a base education for life; these monastery must be supported

    4: Build a Monastery Farm in the u.S.

    5: Mass Meditation Centers will change the world along with meditation in schools; when we use Sports Stadiums for mass meditation, the whole world wins reducing negative events globally during the time of mass meditations.  If a stadium is owned by the people, if must include uses for the public good!  It must not sit empty just waiting for conflict celebration 🙂

  • develop Organic Gluten Free Vegan Farming Eco-Villages

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975 Monterrey Blvd
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815

Chua Bo De Buddhist Temple
English Turn neighborhood area
4386 Lincoln Street
Belle Chase, Louisiana

Hindu Temple of Greater New Orleans
3804 Transcontinental Dr., Metairie, Louisiana 70006

Thekchen Choling
2 Beatty Lane Singapore 209945
Tibetan Temple – to meditate, listen to lectures, and pray
Offering traditional Chinese medicine, Reiki, etcetera
Married Lama speaks both English and Mandarin
+65 6466 3720

Kuang Chee Tng Buddhist Temple
125 Moulmein Road
Novena, Singapore 308081
+65 6251 3765

All Vegan Monasteries listed above have at least one priest or monk living on the property.

I certainly would love to join GoldenDome.Org for at least a meditation vacation or retreat that I possibly would never leave 😊


LiveOakCircle.org / VeganVillages.org
goal of building Vegan Eco-Villages !


VeganRetreatCenter.org / VeganMeditationCenter.org
goal of building a Vegan Eco-Monastery !

We seek to build an organic gluten free vegan eco-monastery & eco-village.

It is paramount to build a Mass Meditation network to raise global consciousness.
Full time monks can help the world, not with words, but with purification, mass meditation, and mass prayer.

Community Meditations are vital; in Asia people come to the temples at night (when people aren’t working) to chant.
Qi Gong groups meet in parks.

In the u.S. we can initiate a mass community morning &/or evening meditation/prayer gatherings as well as group Qi Gong in parks. Retirees can have daytime mass meditation/prayer gatherings; it is important work to lift the unified field for all at all times in time-zones around the world.

Indian culture freely supports each neighborhood temple & to those dedicating their lives to practicing spiritual practices.

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We also want to purchase surrounding properties for other monasteries to expand as it is so important to mass meditation & prayer to lift global consciousness; in Asia this helps to support orphans too.

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This is just a video that I shot in the moment without preparation at all:

I am of the opinion that “worshipers” have it all wrong, completely wrong placing the deities under the center points of the ascension chambers (under pyramidal structures); this is where people need to be sitting in meditation…  They are wasting the “purpose” of these chambers; (Check out the meditation pyramid tab on this site 😇); in Cambodia I witnessed a push to place new Lingams into the center of many ascension chambers pretending that they have been there all along…

As a member of a royal family, I want to reach out to the Cambodian Royal family to be “invited” into the central chamber of Angkor Wat…
I’ll bring a vessel for some water to place crystals in for the noon sun strike through the top center hole to charge the crystals with the noon sun imbuing the intention of the meditator…

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