A Life Member of the Theosophical Society
A Universal Life Church Minister
A Married Vegan Monastic
For those unfamiliar with Married Monasticism:
Rabbis marry; a Married Tibetan Lama is in Singapore; Anglican Catholic monks are allowed to marry; Protestant and Orthodox Priests are allowed to be married; Hindu Priests marry. Buddhism recognized that marriage happens and doesn’t attempt to control it. In the uSA & in New Orleans, particularly, many are generally only familiar with the Roman Catholic Church, so it is understood if one is confused about the notion of a married monastic.
Many monasteries and temples have the priest’s family either living upstairs, on the property, or elsewhere supported by the temple or church.
In Asia, it is very common for parents who cannot afford to raise a child to give the child to the monastery, giving a good life to the child – a real life coping skills advantage over many city lifestyles to be geared toward transcendentalism and prepared to go for rainbow body manifestation if choosing to remain in the monastery upon adulthood.
There are many orphans in Asia. In America, we can give children the same opportunity if a mighty monastic presence is formed in the form of monasteries supported by communities that come to meditate, chant, and pray.
Our goal is to do something with food to help others; that is all I will say until the actual opening of the 100% for charity funding apparatus inspired by Margaret Haughery, Paul Newman, and God within.
Through Extreme Meditative Effort:
– “My highest achievement has been deliberately opening a spiraling tunnel in the pineal gland & feeling my entire being accelerating into it.”
How was it done?:
After months of daily meditation to build up a state of being and learning about it, (1) I believed it was possible; (2) I believed I could do it because we are here to do these things and manifest rainbow body graduating into higher dimension like many ancient cultures have done, and (3) I decided to do it, & I did not care if I died trying.
I placed moved my consciousness into the pineal gland position and pressed forward. There was a great sinus pressure…I then did not care if I died in the process; “Okay to go; Okay to go; Okay to go…then it happened – a spiraling tunnel opened & I felt my entire being accelerate into it – not like being pressed into the seat of an accelerating automobile, but “I” accelerated into it. Then, I opened my eyes. (If we get to such a level, what’s the point in opening the eyes, turning off what was set out to do?)
Through Pure Meditation:
– Though daily serious meditation accumulation over time, at one point: “I saw & heard a vibration and a sphere, which may have been the Earth and its vibration or the ‘Ohm’; the sound / vibration lasted for a couple weeks.”
I had stopped meditating at that time because of the effect. Overcoming fear is important. I didn’t feel afraid, but maybe I stopped to attempt to process; these states are shocking even when we are deliberately evolving; fear takes us away from our goal of ascension before expiration of the body. The point is that if the dedication, as fire in the heart fuel, is present to manifest levels of effects, one is progressing on the path; it is a sign; personal choice is after that to continue or to stop. Many people stop & go, stop & go; what is the point in that if the true goal is to get somewhere; just do it, ehh?
If one reaches these levels, one belongs in a monastery.
(I have not found a monastery that would accept my wife & I.
We plan to build a farm on which to live where I can have a meditation place.)
– “In India, while meditating in a Hindu temple, that I had thought at the time was a Buddhist temple because of the look of the statues inside, I saw a thick sharp lined white ring.”
Under Certain Conditions:
– “In Viet Nam, I saw what at the time I described as ‘purple quantum fluid’ that was in motion like water moving up & down.”
I was dead tired from trying to use “Vietnamese coffee” as if it were a morning cup of American coffee perhaps…or was killing myself with the extremely strong coffee there, but I was fully awake lying on a bed with one eye in the pillow & the other open. I watched the plain as day vision for probably ten minutes before choosing to get up from the bed.
– One effect of meditation was the state of being such that I learned to allow people’s words to “go through me” instead of gripping onto those words, having to retort
– Another effect was having a state of being such that I was calm speaking like a Buddha having the right words come out effortlessly. I learned later that this is the coherence of the brain cells that meditation brings about and “Transcendental Meditation (TM)” quantum physicist John Hagelin has spoken about.
– “A ‘Luminous Being’ visited me when I was young.”
Perhaps I’ll get into this one later 🙂
“I’m just a house-husband being the best married vegan monastic I can. My house is my monastery until we build a larger monastic facility. Bodies are Temples. Decor, mindset, and dominant focus / dominant thought dictates function/usage.” Have a room dedicated to meditation & prayer at, as a chapel if you can; otherwise, at least have a shelf as your alter or place dedicated to prayer. It helps tremendously with daily meditation to have a chair in a quiet place just for reading and meditation.
Of course, the only goals are to realize, recognize, and manifest spirit within or rainbow body before expiration of the physical body, and in doing so, one is best equipped and chooses to assist humanity’s petitions and authorizations as servant to help the world / universe, or one returns to God never having to return to the cycle of rebirth, or one travels organically through time and space using one’s rainbow body natural powers.
Our monk is a Duke of Epirus as far as a certain percentage of his bloodline; as a royal family member, he would like to be “officially invited” into the center chamber of the Angkor Wat complex by the Royal Family of Cambodia.
He also has greatly desired to meditate in Tiger’s nest monastery in Bhutan, but I am not sure that the current rules do not seem to support that (perhaps a letter requesting an invitation can be sent 🙂 ), so he has astral traveled / remote viewed Padmasambhava’s chamber therein meditation.
Our monk’s royal bloodline society website is ContessaEntellina.org – not rich, just dedicated to efforts to preserve the bloodline heritage; we have an amazing ancient knowledge of healing music in what is now northern Greece of the ancient Kingdom of Epirus, no telling what ancient knowledge has been lost to war.
At this time it is vital to share knowledge; secret meditation techniques are no longer accepted as some of us have been called to defend humanity or seek the face of God; we shall not be denied the knowledge that can be used to further our path; the boon is to be given freely.
(Monasteries need to be the dominant culture because the reason we are here is to Realize, Recognize, & Manifest Spirit Within or Rainbow Body.)
Bhutan values the happiness of its people. I hope that Bhutan does not continue to be tricked by the beast that is taking over the world. There is a Japanese island without money; people trade service, etcetera at their trading center. Bhutan does not have to appease the youths seeking riches; Bhutan may be the purist nation among us; I hope that Bhutan chooses to become the monastery capital of the world instead of falling into the trap of the beast. Ancient prophesy has clearly indicated that all nations except one, Jordan, will follow the new world system of payments forced upon all nations.
How Jordan is able to resist the beast isn’t known, if one can resist, all can resist, changing destiny; the supposed hundred year war seems to have begun; capitalism versus humanity’s ability to choose another way, a more evolved way forward. TheVenusProject.com is supposed to be a way to fairly use the Earth’s resources to enrich all lives; will it be used in some corrupt way to enslave humanity again in yet a different way, or will it free us from corruption and control?
Ancient Tibet valued obtaining enlightenment of the most amount of its people.
It is clear that purity needs to be our focus; we need more monasteries. Our values and priorities need to align with creating an actual fulfilling world for the people. Whether people want to support monastics or have been called to meditate; I think that there is a way free of evil.
Do you support monastic culture to manifest rainbow body ascended state?
The only mission in the flesh is to attain (let go of everything that is not) the Light body (Rainbow Body), ascended (6th Density) state of being.
– Married Transcendentalist (also known as Married Vegan Monastic)
To help us build a monastery, support meditation in schools, and promote our message, we are in the process of establishing a new Donation link 🙂
Sometimes, I take the time to capitalize pronouns because “I” is no more Divine than “You”, “Them”, etcetera.
Our network:
instagram.com/Married_Vegan_Monastic @ marred_transcendentalist
ContessaEntellina.org (Oldest Italian/Sicilian Society in New Orleans)(Building & Engaging in Community is important, whatever community of which one is a part.)
We must have the purity, sacredness, and honorable pursuit of a global monastic culture to have mass meditation whether that is the masses at home meditating or in mass meditation centers, converting stadiums from celebrating conflict “programming” to mass meditation centers 🙂