How do we diplomatically explain to people who don’t care about the world because they like their cow stakes?
For starters, we better continue praying and meditating daily.
Some meditate one hour per day along with praying throughout the day.
Some pray the rosary daily.
What do we do when people don’t care about the rain-forests or our planet?
(I am not talking about global warming; that is a completely separate topic as we know that all of the planets in our solar system have been heating up due to the wave sign dip back into the galactic plane energy center.)
Watch “Feed the Future” available on Prime Video at the time of this writing (January 19th 2025)
So, what do we do, make laws enforceable by force, fines, etcetera, impose cultural ostracism?
Cow eaters cause themselves so much destruction that seeing a new doctor is met with ridiculous requests to check for caner and heart disease without considering that vegans don’t have these issues because we are forced to study what is good for our bodies and what natural growing plants cure this or that; Hippocrates (as in the Hippocratic oath) said “Let food be thy medicine.”
Maybe explaining / educating / providing information to old way eaters is a way to move forward, but this requires that capitalism get out of the way of making up lies about “complete protein” and other nonsense to sell cows. Most people don’t know that broccoli has more protein per gram than “beef”.
GMO soy has been proven to cause holes in the intestines.
Organic gluten free whole grown foods is the way.
Why gluten free? In 1962 wheat was weaponized through genetic modification to kill people at retirement age.
- To be edited and expanded upon 🙂